Radio and video interviews in July & August

Posted : June 30, 2014
Ancient Aliens Conference in Kempton, ILL, 6/14/14:
 (Lto R:)  David Childress,  Chris Hardy,  John Brandenburg

 Coming soon:
·        Host Jake Fox: Black Tower Radio
Thursday, July 3rd at 4 PM EST
Broadcast on 1040 AM WYSL in Rochester, NY.

·         Host Mark Johnson & Lorel de Pinto: Unknown Origins Radio
(part of
Thursday, July 10th, 8 to 10 PM EST.

·        Host Robert Pepino: The Whole Agenda  Radio Show
Friday, July 11th,  9 to 11 PM PST. (12 to 2 AM EST).

·        Host Jeffery Pritchett: Mabus Radio
Friday, August 15th, 7 PM EST
