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BOOKS on nonlocal consciousness 


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CHRIS H. HARDY.  COSMIC DNA AT THE ORIGIN. A Hyperdimension before the Big Bang:     The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory. USA: CreateSpace IPP, 2015. [Cover, Content, Foreword, Introduction.(21p)]

 Find it on Amazon: Cosmic DNA at the Origin: A Hyperdimension before the Big Bang. The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory, by Chris H. Hardy Ph.D. | Apr 21, 2015


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  SPACE ALLIES: EARTH IN THE BALANCE (Exopolitics Sci-Fi Series)  (On Amazon)

by Chris H. Hardy Ph.D. | Aug 23, 2017


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 BUTTERFLY LOGIC: EXPERIMENTAL PLANET EARTH. (Science Fiction on exo-politics and Artificial Intelligence, 271p) 2 versions published: English & French. Presentation in Eng. & Fr. (8p).


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3 new books published June-July 2016


* 25 July, 2016:  Wars of the Anunnaki: 
Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer. 

"Ancient Astronauts Foreword" by Jim Marrs. Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2016.

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Examines the Anunnaki gods’ evolving relationships with humanity, their power struggles, and the details of their nuclear war on Earth
• Analyzes the crisis and rationale behind the Anunnaki decision to nuke 5 cities in the Jordan plain (including Sodom and Gomorrah), resulting in the obliteration of Sumerian civilization

• Draws upon the work of Zecharia Sitchin, the Book of Genesis, Sumerian clay tablets, and archaeological evidence such as ancient radioactive skeletons

• Examines the Anunnakis’ lack of higher consciousness, their reliance on technology, their sacred power objects and sacred geometry, and the possibility of Anunnaki bases on Mars in the distant past
The detonation of nuclear weapons in the 20th century was not the first time humanity has seen such terrible destruction. Drawing upon Sumerian clay tablets, the Book of Genesis, and archaeological evidence such as ancient radioactive skeletons, Chris Hardy reveals the ancient nuclear event that destroyed the Sumerian civilization and the power struggles of the “gods” that led up to it.

The author explains how the Anunnaki came to Earth from the planet Nibiru seeking gold to repair their ozone layer. Using genetic engineering, they created modern humanity to do their mining work and installed themselves as our kings and our gods. Anunnaki god Enki had a fatherly relationship with the first two humans. Then Enlil, Enki’s brother, took over as Commander of Earth, instating a sole-god theocracy and a war against the clan of Enki and humanity for spoiling the Anunnaki bloodlines through interbreeding. This shift imposed a blackout not only of the very human nature of the Anunnaki “gods” but also of humanity’s own ancient past on Earth.

Two of Enlil’s attacks against the Enki clan and humanity are described in the stories of the Deluge and the Tower of Babel. His final attempt, after coercing the Assembly of the Gods into voting yes, was the nuclear bombing of 5 cities of the Jordan plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah, which resulted in the destruction of the Sumerian civilization and the Anunnakis’ own civilization on Earth, including their space port in the Sinai. The author reveals how, after each attempt, humanity was saved by Enki, chief scientist Ninmah, and Enki’s son Hermes.

The author explores how the Anunnakis’ reliance on technology and their recurrent wars caused them to lose touch with cosmic consciousness. And she reveals how we will be doomed to repeat this dynamic until humanity awakens to our true origins.

Short bio
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D. in psychological anthropology, a scientist and a seer, cognitive and systems theorist, is a long-time researcher on consciousness and psi, both in terms of theory and as a continuous inner path of exploration of novel mental capacities. She made a breakthrough in the comparison of Sumerian tablets accounts with that of the Book of Genesis, using Semantic Fields Theory to sort out 3 distinct narrators in their different cultural and time frames; as well as in the careful gathering of evidence of the use of nuclear WMD by the Ancient Aliens, or Anunnaki, on earth in her books: DNA of the Gods (on Inner Traditions’ bestsellers list) and Wars of theAnunnaki, Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer.

* 23 June, 2016: Butterfly Logic: Experimental Planet Earth. CreateSpace IPP, USA.

French version (by the author):
* 2016 (June 23). Logique Papillon: Terre Planète Expérimentale. (Série SF exopolitique) CreateSpace IPP, USA..
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Butterfly Logic
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The Unikarg empire, controlled by officials on Exora—a whole management planet run by computers (exors)—has become an inert superstructure which, despite its high technology, is incapable of producing any new discoveries, ideas, art, even humor; the stimulants of change and difference, the challenges of the unexpected, all the vehicles of vitality and growth have been running down.
The only glimmer of hope is a long-forgotten massive experiment launched eons ago by the genius Zeera who, having anticipated this decline, had set up the Plan for Experimental Planets (PEP). It involved seeding genetic diversity and disorder on planexes under the hypothesis that this would yield a new breed of sapiens, minds and civilizations whose dynamism would rekindle the creative spirit on Unikarg.
Erdoes starts a new phase of the PEP and investigates his hunch of a major trafficking in humans, technology and resources on Trisorbe/Earth. He sets up a collective learning network involving pairs of sapiens-exors, whose leading one, Shari-Sphinx, starts developing a Meta-spatial Logic of transformation and synergy that triggers qualitative leaps in sapiens and exors alike, and tools that will be used to fight against the alien Mafioso ring on Earth. The fight is raging – will Shari and Sphinx be able to defeat them?
Butterfly Logic offers a fresh look on diversity, creativity, chaos, artificial intelligence, and the human mind. Quick paced, provocative and humorous, this sci-fi deals primarily with the dangers of uniformization and a too tight control on people and society, as well as with a logic enabling computers to learn exponentially, while remaining the sure allies of sapiens and humans.

(See a longer presentation on my page:

Logique Papillon: Terre Planète Expérimentale

   L’empire d’Unikarg, contrôlé par Exora, planète de gestion dirigée par des ordinateurs (ou exors), est devenu, malgré sa haute technologie, une superstructure inerte incapable d’innover. Idées, découvertes, art, humour, tous les moteurs de changement, de vitalité et de croissance, ont disparu. Seule lueur d’espoir, le Plan des Planètes Expérimentales (PPE) – lancé il y a des éons par le génie Zeera qui avait anticipé ce déclin. Son hypothèse : l’ensemencement de diversité génétique et de désordre sur des ‘mondex’ créerait de nouvelles races sapiens dont le dynamisme pourrait raviver l’esprit créatif d’Unikarg.
Erdoes part sur Trisorbe/Terre vérifier son pressentiment d’un trafic alien de grande envergure ciblant les êtres, les ressources, et la technologie alien. Il met en place un réseau constitué de couples sapiens-exors, comme la paire Shari-Sphinx qui va booster le développement d’une Logique Méta-spatiale axée sur les processus de mutation et de synergie. Capable de déclencher des sauts qualitatifs d’intelligence à la fois chez les sapiens et les exors, la logique Papillon fournit des outils puissants pour combattre les aliens maffieux sur terre. La lutte fait rage – Shari et Vris seront-ils capables de les vaincre?
Logique Papillon explore la créativité, le chaos, l’intelligence artificielle et humaine. Ce SF au rythme rapide, provocatif et plein d’humour, s’attaque aux dangers de l’uniformisation et d’un contrôle trop strict des gens et de la société, et déploie une logique permettant aux ordinateurs d’apprendre et de s’autonomiser avec une vitesse exponentielle, tout en demeurant les alliés sûrs de l’humanité et des sapiens.

Chris H. Hard y, docteur en ethno-psychologie, théoricienne pionnière de la conscience, des systèmes cognitifs, et du nouveau paradigme en physique, ex-chercheur aux Psychophysical Research Labs de Princeton, a exploré la conscience non-locale à-travers la Théorie des systèmes, la théorie du chaos, et sa propre Théorie des Champs Sémantiques. Auteur de nombreux articles scientifiques et livres, dont Réseaux énergétiques et conscience collective, La Prédiction de Jung, DNA of the Gods, Wars of the Anunnaki, Cosmic DNA at the Origin, elle présente régulièrement ses nouvelles recherches dans les congrès scientifiques internationaux.

(Lire une plus longue présentation en français sur ma page
